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        A Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing the Planning Boards recommendation for the Zoning Ordinance to create a North River Canal Corridor. Notice of this meeting was posted on October 21, 2005 at 8:48 A.M.


        All Councillors were present.
        Council President  Michael Bencal presided.

Councillor O’Keefe moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting. It was so voted.

Councillor Bencal read the Planning Board’s Recommendation.

Councillor Harvey assumed the Chair.

Councillor Bencal stated that there were a number of amendments to the zoning ordinance and that the City Planner without further review supports the NRCC.
He made a motion that the meeting be recessed to November 14th at 6:30 P.M. this would give the Council three weeks to go over the proposed changes and and to give members of the City Council time to go over changes from the October 28, 2004 original document of one year ago. He went on to say that there were different groups involved and that the group that worked on this did a fabulous job they met with businesses, residents etc. We need an educated approach to this document and colleagues need time to digest the amendments to make it fair for all and balance needs of the neighborhood with needs of the city. We need to look at the amendments and see how this is changed.

This motion was withdrawn by Councillor Bencal.

Councillor Veno is supportive of this plan and hope the Council will honor the work that was done and improves on it. I give credit to Councillor Bencal for work done on amendments. The best way to honor what was done is for us to do our share of the work. We should have a series of meetings on this. You’re talking about people’s land and livelihood. My opinion is we work best when we work together with the planning director, planning board and the zoning board of appeals. We have yet to do our work. The clock is ticking. We should have a couple of public meetings so when we’re done it’s the right thing. We still have time to work on this.

Councillor Bencal stated fish or cut bait. This process has been open since 2004. Time is ticking. We will not have time if we have 3-4 meetings. We have had time to go over this. It’s time to act. A number of amendments were offered. On the 14th go over this document and vote on this.

Councillor Sosnowski stated we need some meetings to address these things. We have 8 items of housekeeping and ten of his own amendments. Assuming we have done all the house keeping lets get this done for December 7th.  There are things in this I am totally opposed to, density issues which I’m opposed to and others should be addressed. We need to sit down and address this. The working group did a fabulous job but lets do it justice.  Let’s do it properly. At this time I would not be in favor of this.

Councillor Bencal stated each amendment will receive the time due. A meeting between now and November 14th is not feasible, but we need time to digest this. We should have an extra meeting if we need it and continue to the 21st or even a third meeting.  Debating the amendments will improve document.

Councillor Harvey stated we need a date certain.

Councillor Bencal motioned that if there are any new amendments they must be submitted to the City Clerk by 10:00 AM Friday, October 31st for review.

Councillor Pelletier stated that the documents need more time, there were two public meetings in August and before then maybe we need one more public hearing.

Councillor Veno stated that he would like the vote to be unanimous. We need to know of objections to different properties from the Planning Board we have a December 7th time frame. If I don’t feel like we’ve done our homework it will pain me, but I will vote against it. Very few things are as important as zoning.

Councillor Veno made a motion to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole and invite the Planning Board, Zoning Board, Thomas St. Pierre the Zoning Officer and City Planner. The motion was adopted by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent.

Councillor Furey stated this is a major catalyst to other neighborhoods. He is pleased with the document. Planning Board did their homework. This would be a disservice to delay. Amendments could have been done before now. He stated his disappointment.

Councillor Sargent – stated he supports Councillor Veno’s amendment and meet together until it’s done and amendments go through chapter by chapter.

Councillor O’Keefe stated he is opposed to this whole concept of the NRCC. He stated he was on the City Council in 1965 when this zoning has been on the books. Rezoning 80 pages was never adopted. Why do it piece meal. Why does the borderline, boundaries are in the center line of streets. Now we’re changing for this district and for no where else. Where is the definition of flats? Get professor Bobrowski back here. What are the technicalities? Who are the experts on Zoning.

Councillor Sosnowski stated over project Mr. Borbrowski and the work he did in 2000 still sits on a shelf. If this NRCC is hard try to do the whole thing. Not our choice to slow the process down. Key people in planning left and it slowed it up. The entire project should go forward with the deadline. We should have a date certain for amendments.

Councillor O’Keefe asked has professor Bobrowski viewed this document?

Councillor Sosnowski stated he has not. Planning Department Denise McClure knew what the intent of Mr. Bobrowski and she guided the committee.

Councillor O’Keefe asked would you agree to have Mr. Bobrowksi look it over?

Councillor Sosnowski stated there is a money issue and the Planner knows the law.

Councillor Pelletier seconded the motion of Councillor Veno and amend to include the meeting be open to the public that is referred to the Committee of the Whole. It was so voted.

Councillor Bencal stated Mr. Bobrowski is not on contract at the time of the document.

Councillor Bencal moved the question.

Councillor Veno moved immediate reconsideration in the hopes it would not prevail. Reconsideration was denied.

Councillor Bencal withdrew his original motion.

Councillor Veno’s Resolution expressing the will and recommendation, must be returned before the second meeting in November.

Councillor Bencal feels it is a conflict in Committee of the Whole. Need time definite for amendments submitted. November 1st.

Councillor Veno withdraws resolution. Need date certain for amendments for comment.

Councillor Sosnowski the compilation of everyones concerns should be given to the City Clerk by Friday October 31, 2005 Noon to distribute to the Council

Councillor Bencal stated the Committee of the Whole is to address concerns in a meeting of November 1, 2005 at 6:30 PM. If you have an amendment get it in writing by Halloween October 31st at Noon.

Councillor O’Keefe stated so this is the deadline for comment.

Councillor Harvey stated nothing formal just get it in by the 31st.

On the motion of Councillor Bencal, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

ATTEST:                         CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                        CITY CLERK